The FUSION-EP office is located at room 4-431, Pfaffenwaldring 31, 70569 Stuttgart.
Stuttgart-Vaihingen is located south-west of the city center. It is a part of Stuttgart. Do not confuse it with the totally different city of "Vaihingen (Enz)".
See and below.
By train or plane
The university is between the central train station and the airport. Take one of these local trains in the direction of the airport when at central station and vice versa:
- S1 (only from central train station)
- S2
- S3
After about 10-15 minutes, you reach the station "Universität". Use the exit "Universitätszentrum" to leave the station. To reach us from the station, use the campus map.

Carsten Lechte
Dr. rer. nat.Leader, Microwave Technology