Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
Bilbao, J.; Stoll, M. S.; Egner, S.
Closing the nutrients cycle,
Water & Wastewater Treatment 53 (12): 20
Burger-Kentischer, A.; Abele, I. S.; Finkelmeier, D.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Rupp, S.
A new cell-based innate immune receptor assay for the examination of receptor activity, ligand specificity, signaling pathways and the detection of pyrogens,
Journal of Immunological Methods 358 (1-2): 10
Calderon, J.; Zavrel, M.; Ragni, E.; Fonzi, W. A.; Rupp, S.; Popolo, L.
Phr1, a ph-regulated gene of Candida albicans encoding a glucan-remodelling enzyme, is required for adhesion and invasion,
Microbiology 156 (Pt 8): 2484-2494
Gronen, A.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Mikroorganismen zur stofflichen Nutzung von Stroh-Hydrolysat,
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 54 (11): 852-854
Günther, M.; Zibek, S.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.
Mikrobielle Synthese von Biotensiden
BIOforum 2: 25-26
Günther, M.; Zibek, S.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.
Synthese und Optimierung von Cellobioselipiden und Mannosylerythritollipiden,
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82 (8): 1215-1221
Hartmann, S. C.; Kumar, Y.; Lemuth, K.; Rohde, B.; Knabbe, C.; Weile, J.; Bauser, C.; Hauser, N. C.; Schöck, U.; Rupp, S.
Schnelle molekulare Sepsis-Diagnostik – Ein Biochip für die schnelle Pathogenidentifizierung und Resistenzcharakterisierung,
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 54 (11): 824-825
Kaufmann, M.; Walles, H.
Organe aus dem Automaten,
BIOforum 1: 18-19
Kluger, P.; Pretzsch, F. (2010)
Mehr Strukturen für die Zellkultur,
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 54 (11): 849-850
Kluger, P. J.; Wyrwa, R.; Weisser, J.; Maierle, J.; Rode, C.; Schnabelrauch, M.; Walles, H.; Schenke-Layland, K.
Electrospun poly(D/L-lactide-co-L-lactide) hybrid matrix: a novel scaffold material for soft tissue engineering,
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 21 (9): 2665-2671
Lindemann, E.; Rohde, B.; Rupp, S.; Regenbogen, J.; Sohn, K.
A multidimensional electrophoretic system of separation for the analysis of gene expression (MESSAGE),
Electrophoresis 31 (8): 1330-1343
Ludwig, D.; Amann, M.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Laccase-katalysierte Detoxifizierung von löslichen Ligninabbauprodukten in vorbehandelten Lignocellulose-Hydrolysaten,
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82 (8): 1183-1189
Ludwig, D.; Amann, M.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Stoffliche Nutzung von Lignocellulose – Detoxifikation von Aufschlusslösungen mit immobilisierter Laccase,
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 54 (10): 765-767
Ludwig, D.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Weizenstroh – Eine potentielle Rohstoffquelle für die chemische Industrie,
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82 (9): 1597
Oehr, C.
Ressourcen- und Kosteneffizienz von Niederdruckplasmaprozessen,
Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 22 (1): 6-13
Pudlas, M.; Koch, S.; Bolwien, C.; Walles, H.
Raman spectroscopy as a tool for quality and sterility analysis for tissue engineering applications like cartilage transplants,
International Journal of Artificial Organs 33 (4): 228-237
Roelofs, K. S.; Hirth, T.; Schiestel, T.
Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)-based silica nanocomposite membranes for direct ethanol fuel cells,
Journal of Membrane Science 346 (1): 215-226
Roelofs, K. S.; Schiestel, T.
sPEEK based composite membranes for direct ethanol fuel cell applications,
Desalination 250 (3): 1051-1052
Rupp, S.
An approach to characterize the membrane proteome of Candida albicans,
Future Microbiology 5 (2): 147-151
Stoll, S.; Bilbao, J.; Egner, S.
Nährstoff-Recycling als Schritt zur vollständigen Nutzung von Kulturplanzen,
Umweltschutztechnik 8: 2
Vohrer, U.; Oehr, C.
Ausrüstung von Textilien durch Niederdruck-Plasmabehandlung,
melliand Textilberichte – online Newsletter Dezember 2010: 1-10
Votteler, M.; Kluger, P. J.; Walles, H.; Schenke-Layland, K.
Stem cell microenvironments – unveiling the secret of how stem cell fate is defined,
Macromolecular Bioscience 10 (11): 1302-1315
Beiträge in Büchern und Sammelbänden
Barz, J.; Müller, M.; Elkin, B.; Oehr, C.
Parylenbeschichtung polymerer werkstoffe,
In: Eugen G. Leuze Verlag, 2010: Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik, Band 66: S. 89-99
ISBN 978-3-87480-259-8
Bilbao, J.; Stoll, M. S.; Bryniok, D.; Egner, S.; Trösch, W.; Hirth, T.
Characterization and anaerobic digestion of olive-mill solid wastes,
In: Grafima publications, 2010: Proceedings of the
7th Internati-onal Conference ORBIT 2010, S. 724-731
ISBN: 978-960-6865-28-2
Genov, S.; Thurow, I.; Riester, D.; Borchers, K.; Hirth, T.; Weber, A.; Tovar, G.
Dry native protein assays on 3D and 2D substrates by non-contact laser-Iinduced-forward transfer LIFT process,
In: Nanotechnology 2010: Advanced Materials, CNTs, Particles, Films and Composites: S. 643-646
ISBN 978-1-4398-3401-5
Gose, T.; Weber, A.; Tovar, G.; Hirth, T.
Einsatz von LabVIEW zur Prozesssteuerung und Online-Prozessanalyse in der Nanopartikeltechnologie,
In: VDE Verlag, 2010: Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis 2010, Begleitband zum 15. VIP-Kongress: S. 17-20
ISBN 978-3-8007-3235-7
Güttler, S.; Refle, O.; Fulga, S.; Grzesiak, A.; Seifarth, C.; Stadler, V.; Speyerer, C.; Weber, A.
Electrophotography (“laser printing”) an efficient techn-logy for biofabrication,
In: Digital Fabrication 2010. NIP 26, 26th International Confe-rence on Digital Printing Technologies. Technical programs and proceedings: S. 567-570
ISBN: 978-0-89208-292-6
Oehr, C.
Plasmaverfahren zur Oberflächenbehandlung medizinischer Güter,
In: VDI Verlag GmbH, 2010: VDI-Tagungsband zur Fachtagung „Kunststoffe in der Medizintechnik 2010“, Bandnummer 4309: S. 161-170
ISBN 978-3-18-234309-7
Schreiber, T.; Niedergall, K.; Wojciukiewicz, D.; Gose, T.; Gruber-Traub, C.; Weber, A.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.
NANOCYTES-Technology – Biomimetic nanoparticles for molecular recognition by molecular imprinting,
In: Nanotechnology 2010: Bio Sensors, Instruments, Medical, Environment and Energy: S. 242-245
ISBN 978-1-4398-3415-2
Stoll, M. S.; Campos, A.; Laopeamthong, S.; Egner, S.; Hirth, T.
Manure treatment with super-heated steam as part of inte-grated resource management,In: Grafima publications, 2010: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010, S. 740-747
ISBN: 978-960-6865-28-2
Alle, M.; Haller, B.; Trick, I.; Hochschild, V.
Parametrisierung mikroskaliger Niederschlag-Abflussmodelle mit hochauflösenden Fernerkundungsdaten,
Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Fernerkundung,
7.-8. Oktober 2010, Heidelberg, Germany
Barz, J.; Lunk, A.; Oehr, C.
Radical kinetics in low-pressure fluorocarbon plasmas: experiments and modeling,
PSE 2010: Twelfth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17. September 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Bilbao, J.; Stoll, M. S.; Bryniok, D.; Egner, S.; Trösch, W.; Hirth, T.
Characterization and anaerobic digestion of olive-mill solid wastes,
ORBIT 2010: Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy,
29. Juni - 3. Juli 2010, Kreta, Greece
Bolwien, C.; Erhardt, C.; Sulz, G.; Thielecke, H.; Johann, R.; Pudlas, M.; Walles, H.; Koch, S.
A system for the rapid detection of bacterial contamination in cell-based therapeutica,
BIOS 2010, part of SPIE Photonics West,
23.-28. Januar 2010, San Francisco, USA
Borchers, K.; Hoch, E.; Kluger, P. J.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G. E. M.
Galactose-functionalized surfaces for selective cultivation of primary human keratinocytes,
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials ESB2010,
11.-15. September 2010, Tampere, Finland
Groeber, F. K.; Hansmann, J.; Kaufmann, M.; Walles, H.
Development of a vascularised skin equivalent for adsorption testing,
DECHEMA-Tagung: Skin in Vitro 2010,
8. Juni 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Gruber-Traub, C.; Weber, A.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G. E. M.
Biomimetic particles: concept, design and applications in biotechnology and biomedicine,
Particles 2010, 22.-25. Mai 2010, Orlando, USA
Güttler, S.; Refle, O.; Fulga, S.; Grzesiak, A.; Seifarth, C.; Stadler, V.; Speyerer, C.; Weber, A.
Electro photography (“laser printing”) an efficient technology for biofabrication,
NIP26: International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies and Digital Fabrication 2010, 24.-28. September 2010, Austin, Texas, USA
Hartmann, S. C.
Rapid molecular sepsis diagnostics via DNA-microarrays,
Intensive Workshop: Joint Research Center of Pusan National University (Korea) and Fraunhofer IGB, 10. Juni 2010, Busan, South Korea
Hiller, E.; Dörflinger, M.; Stevens, R.; Marcet-Houben, M.; Gabaldon, T.; Schwarzmüller, T.; Kuchler, K.; Rupp, S.
Comprehensive gene deletion study to identify cell wall organisation and structure in Candida glabrata,
The Joint Annual Seminar on the Projects of the 1st and 2nd calls of the ERA-NET PathoGenoMics,
18.-19. Januar 2010, Teneriffa, Spain
Hiller, E.; Dörflinger, M.; Stevens, R.; Marcet-Houben, M.; Gabaldon, T.; Schwarzmüller, T.; Kuchler, K.; Rupp, S.
Comprehensive gene deletion study to identify cell wall organisation and structure in Candida glabrata,
10th ASM Conference on Candida and Candidiasis,
22.-26. März 2010, Miami, USA
Hirth, T.
Mit regenerativen Rohstoffen dem Wandel begegnen?,
Kolloquium der IHK Frankfurt am Main, GDCh, DECHEMA, DGMK und des VCI: Rohstoffbasis im Wandel,
11. Januar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Hirth, T.
Integration of biotechnological and chemical processes for the synthesis of bio-based products,
BioMWB-Workshop: Lighthouses of Sustainability – European Concepts for Competitive Bio-based Chemicals,
3. Februar 2010, Brüssel, Belgium
Hirth, T.
Die Natur als chemische Fabrik,
Symposium: Industrie trifft Schule, 17. März 2010, Esslingen, Germany
Hirth, T.
Mit regenerativen Rohstoffen dem Wandel begegnen?,
3. Arena für Nachhaltigkeit,
16. April 2010, Zeulenroda, Germany
Hirth, T.
Mit regenerativen Rohstoffen dem Wandel begegnen?,
Frühjahresveranstaltung der DGMK Bezirksgruppe Oberrhein, BASF, 29. April 2010, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Hirth, T.
Rohstoffwandel – Von der Erdölraffinerie zur Bioraffinerie,
Uhde FuE-Tagung: Fossile und nachwachsende Rohstoffe – Verbündete im Megatrend,
5. Mai 2010, Dortmund, Germany
Hirth, T.
Mit regenerativen Rohstoffen dem Wandel begegnen – Von der Erdölraffinerie zur Bioraffinerie?,
Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V.,
9. Juni 2010, Müncheberg, Germany
Hirth, T.
Mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen dem Wandel begegnen – Von der Erdölraffinerie zur Bioraffinerie,
Forum Biotechnologie 2010: Innovation und Bioökonomie,
23. September 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Hirth, T.
Polymers based on renewable materials – resource, processes and products,
ISBP 2010: International Symposium on Biopolymers,
5. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Hirth, T.
Bioökonomie – Der Beitrag der Biotechnologie zu Innovation und Klimaschutz,
Technologiepolitischer Dialog: Biotechnologie – Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit für die Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe,
1. November 2010, Potsdam, Germany
Hirth, T.
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe,
Regionaler Lehrerkongress 2010: Dialog Schule – Chemie,
10. November 2010, Filderstadt, Germany
Hirth, T.
Vom Rohstoff zum Biopolymer durch Integration von Biotechnologie und Chemie,
2. Kooperationsforum Biopolymere,
11. November 2010, Straubing, Germany
Hirth, T.
Bioökonomie – der Beitrag der industriellen Biotechnologie zu Innovation, Rohstoffwandel und Klimaschutz aus Sicht der Wissenschaft,
Industrielle Biotechnologie in Deutschland – Impulsgeber für die nachhaltige Bioökonomie, 24. November 2010, Berlin, Germany
Hirth, T.
Mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen dem Rohstoffwandel begegnen,
BMELV-Projekttag: Stoffliche Biomassenutzung,
15. Dezember 2010, Berlin, Germany
Hirth, T.; Andrees, I.
Die Bedeutung europäischer Projekte in der Strategie eines Fraunhofer-Instituts,
Erfahrungsaustausch zum 7. EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm,
4. Februar 2010, Bonn, Germany
Hirth, T.; Wolperdinger, M.
Chemisch-biotechnologische Prozesse für die Herstellung von biobasierten Produkten – Vom Labor bis zur industriellen Umsetzung,
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010, 22. September 2010, Aachen, Germany
Hirth, T.; Wolperdinger, M.; Patzsch, K.
Entwicklung und Perspektiven des Chemisch-Biotechnologischen Prozesszentrums Leuna (CBP),
Standortmesse Leuna-Dialog, 6. Mai 2010, Leuna, Germany
Huf, S.; Carrillo Riveros, P. A.; Wagner, W.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Biotechnological production of long chain α,ω-dicarboxylic acids and epoxy derivates from plant oil,
Frontiers In Biorefining: Biobased Products from Renewable Carbon, 19.-22. Oktober 2010, Georgia, USA
Huf, S.; Wagner, W.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Optimization of 1,18-octadecenedioic acid synthesis via biotransformation by the use of Candida tropicalis,
3rd Workshop on Fats and Oils as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry, 14.-16. März 2010, Emden, Germany
Huf, S.; Wagner, W.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Production of alpha-, omega-dicarboxylic acids via biotransformation of fatty acids by the use of Candida tropicalis,
In: Tagungsband, S. 64,
RRB6: 6th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefinerie, 7.-9. Juni 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
Kluger, P.; Pretzsch, F.; Büth, H.; Novosel, E.; Maierle, J.; Wenzel, C.; Walles, H.
Development of high volume producible nano- and microstructured surfaces,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Kluger, P. J.; Pretzsch, F.; Maierle, J.; Wuster, S.; Büth, H.; Wenzel, C.; Brecher, C.; Walles, H.
New high volume manufacturing of nano- and microstructured screening substrates,
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials ESB2010,
11.-15. September 2010, Tampere, Finland
Kluger, P.; Wuster, S.; Assmann, C.; Novosel, E.; Borchers, K.; Müller, M.; Hirth, T.; Walles, H.
Oberflächenchemie und Topografie von Biomaterialien für das Gefäß-Tissue Engineering,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien,
18.-20. November 2010, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
Koch, S.; Gutekunst, M.; Pudlas, M.; Bolwien, C.; Walles, H.
Analysis of cell viability and identification of primary cells by Raman spectroscopy,
6th International Conference SPEC 2010: Shedding Light on Disease: Diagnostic Applications for the New Millennium,
26. Juni - 1. Juli 2010, Manchester, UK
Koch, S.; Gutekunst, M.; Pudlas, M.; Bolwien, C.; Walles, H.
Detection and discrimination of cells and cell viability in tissue engineering by Raman micro-spectroscopy,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Lemuth, K.; Hardiman, T.; Winter, S.; Pfeiffer, D.; Keller, M. A.; Lange, S.; Reuss, M.; Schmid, R. D.; Siemann-Herzberg, M.
Global transcription and metabolic flux analysis of Escherichia coli in glucose-limited fed-batch cultivations,
FORSYS/JCB International Workshop Systems Biology for Industry: Dynamics and Regulation of the Metabolic Balance in Escherichia coli, 7.-8. Oktober 2010, Jena, Germany
Oehr, C.
Plasma processes for surface treatment – efficiency and environment aspects,
i-Sup2010: 2nd International Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Production, 18.-21. April 2010, Brügge, Belgium
Oehr, C.
Plasmaverfahren zur Oberflächenbehandlung medizinischer Güter,
VDI-Fachtagung: Kunststoffe in der Medizintechnik 2010,
28.-29. April 2010, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Oehr, C.
Plasma treatment for blood cleaning and cell adhesion,
European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop: Manipulation of biomaterials surface by plasma process,
26.-30. Mai 2010, Iasi, Romania
Oehr, C.
Polymer and glass-like surfaces for biomedical application – preparation and analytical aspect,
International Commission on Glass (ICG) Roadmap Workshop,
26.-27. August 2010, Paris, France
Oehr, C.
Plasma treatment of polymers and plasma polymerization,
PSE 2010: Twelfth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17. September 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Oehr, C.
Biomedical applications of plasma treated surfaces,
11th European Vacuum conference,
20.-24. September 2010, Salamanca, Spain
Oehr, C.
New surface for medical devices,
Symposium: Functional Polymeric Surfaces, Messe K,
26. Oktober - 3. November 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
Panowitz, S.; Barz, J.; Müller, M.; Franzke, J.; Oehr, C.
Diagnostics of low pressure microplasmas for surface modification,
PSE 2010: Twelfth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17. September 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Pudlas, M.; Koch, S.; Bolwien, C.; Walles, H.
Characterization of human skin cells for tissue engineering applications by Raman spectroscopy,
BiOS 2010, part of SPIE Photonics West,
23.-28. Januar 2010, San Francisco, USA
Pudlas, M.; Schrobback, K.; Rintoul, L.; Hutmacher, D.; Hirth, T.; Walles, H.; Klein, T.
Identification of different articular cartilage zones by Raman microspectroscopy, IHBI Inspires Postgraduate Conference,
25.-26. November 2010, Carrara, Gold Coast, Australia
Rupp, S.
Lignozellulose und Ligninverwertung,
Deutsche Biotechnologie-Tage, 21. April 2010, Berlin, Germany
Rupp, S.
Zentrum für die chemisch-biotechnologische Prozessentwicklung in Mitteldeutschland,
Deutsche Biotechnologie-Tage, 22. April 2010, Berlin, Germany
Rupp, S.
Introduction: PNU-IGB Joint Research Center Workshop,
Intensive Workshop: Joint Research Center of Pusan National University (Korea) and Fraunhofer IGB,
10. Juni 2010, Busan, South Korea
Rupp, S.
BMBF-Initiative MedSys – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A systems approach to determine the mechanisms resulting in commensalism or pathogenicity of the opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans,
CSB Symposium: Center Systems Biology Forschungsaktivitäten, 13. Juli 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Rupp, S.
Grundlagen zur Immunabwehr von Mykosen,
44. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der DMykG,
9. September 2010, Wien, Austria
Rupp, S.
Host-pathogen interaction models to analyze C. albicans virulence mechanisms,
Seminarreihe der Universität Marburg,
4. Oktober 2010, Marburg, Germany
Rupp, S.
Immundiagnostische Kits zur Verbesserung von Latex-Produkten,
BMBF-Projektforum Biotechnologie, Biotechnica 2010,
5. Oktober 2010, Hannover, Germany
Rupp, S.
Host-pathogen interaction models to analyze C. albicans virulence mechanisms,
Final Meeting SPP 1160, 1. Dezember 2010, Bad Staffelstein, Germany
Rupp, S.
Proteomics, genomics and cell-based assays to study infections,
Intensive Workshop: Joint Research Centre PNU (Korea) and Fraunhofer IGB, 6. Dezember 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Stoll, M. S.; Campos, A.; Laopeamthong, S.; Egner, S.; Hirth, T.
Manure treatment with superheated steam as part of integrated resource management,
ORBIT 2010: Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy, 29. Juni - 3. Juli 2010, Kreta, Greece
Tovar, G.
Nanotechnologies chez Fraunhofer NANOTECH,
Petit déjeuner débat, 9. Februar 2010, Paris, France
Tovar, G.
The Fraunhofer frontline theme biofunctional surfaces,
Nanotech 2010, 21.-24. Juni 2010, Anaheim, USA
Tovar, G.; Genov, S.; Thurow, I.; Riester, D.; Borchers, K.; Hirth, T.; Weber, A.
Dry native protein assays on substrates by non-contact laser-induced-forward transfer LIFT process,
Nanotech 2010, 21.-24. Juni 2010, Anaheim, USA
Tovar, G.; Schreiber, T.; Niedergall, K.; Wojciukiewicz, D.; Gose, T.; Gruber-Traub, C.; Weber, A.; Hirth, T.
NANOCYTES-technology – biomimetic nanoparticles for molecular recognition by molecular imprinting,
Nanotech 2010, 21.-24. Juni 2010, Anaheim, USA
Tovar, G.
Design and production of biofunctional surfaces for applications ranging from medical technology and diagnostics to environmental technology,
Nanofair 2010, 6.-7. Juli 2010, Dresden, Germany
Tovar, G.; Niedergall, K.; Wojciukiewicz, D.; Schreiber, T.; Gruber-Traub, C.; Weber, A.; Hirth, T.
Biomimetic nanostructured particles for molecular recognition by molecular imprinting,
In: Abstract-Guide, Session: Nanomaterials Formulation, Targeting, and Interactions for Biomedical Applications, QQ10.11; 2010 MRS Fall Meeting, 29. November - 3. Dezember 2010, Boston, USA
Tovar, G.
Biofunctional surfaces,
Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Stuttgart,
7. Dezember 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Weber, A.; Borchers, K.; Plankalayil, J.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.
Ink formulation for the inkjet printing of functional core-shell nanoparticles for automated preparationof multi feature biofunctional surfaces,
Formula VI & NanoFormulation 2010, 7.-10. Juni 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Wojciukiewicz, D.; Laib, S.; Riegler, J.; Hirth, T.; Heubach, D.; Tovar, G.
Biomimetisches Insulin-Adsorbermaterial auf der Basis evolutiv entwickelter molekular geprägter Nanopartikel (nanoMIPs),
Symposium der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg: Neue Materialien aus der Bionik, 3. Mai 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Zipperle, M.; Betker, T.; Sabjan, M.; Caro, J.; Schirrmeister, S.; Rüssel, C.; Schiestel, T.
Development of BCFZ capillary membranes and modules for oxygen separation,
Sino-German Symposium on Novel Inorganic Membranes with Nano Design, 21.-26. März 2010, Guangzhou, China
Alle, M.; Hochschild, V.; Trick, I.; Haller, B.
Analyse des urbanen Regenwasserertrags mit hochauflösenden Fernerkundungsdaten,
22. AGIT Symposium: Symposium für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 7.-9. Juli 2010, Salzburg, Austria
Barz, J.; Baier, M.; Schmidt, M.; Haupt, M.; Oehr, C.
Coatings for permeation barriers and improved drain-off: from 2D to 3D substrates,
PSE 2010: Twelfth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17. September 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Barz, J.; Lunk, A.; Oehr, C.
Plasma diagnostics and modeling of fluorocarbon discharges: gas phase and wall processes,
Gordon Research Conference: Plasma Processing Science,
11.-16. Juli 2010, New London, USA
Borchers, K.; Plankalayil, J.; Weber, A.
Ink-jet printing of proteins and functional nanoparticles for automated biofunctionalization of surfaces,
MSE 2010, 24.-26. August 2010, Darmstadt, Germany
Christel, J.; Hirth, T.; Schiestel, T.
Supported ionic liquid ceramic membranes for gas separation,
3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress,
29. August - 2. September 2010, Nürnberg, Germany
Dally, I.
In vitro development of a vascularised tracheal patch to restore airway defects after resection,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Genov, S.; Riester, D.; Borchers, K.; Tovar, G.; Hirth, T.; Weber, A.
Dry native proteins printed on 3D and 2D substrates by non-contact laser-induced-forward transfer (LIFT),
12th Status Seminar Chip Technologies, Sequencing and Functional Genomics, 4.-5. Februar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Genov, S.; Thurow, I.; Riester, D.; Borchers, K.; Tovar, G.; Hirth, T.; Weber, A.
Dry native protein assays on nitrocellulose coated glass substrates by non-contact laser-induced-forward transfer process,
Biosensors 2010: 20th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, 26.-28. Mai 2010, Glasgow, UK
Groeber, F. K.; Hansmann, J.; Kaufmann, M.; Walles, H.
Development of a vascularised skin equivalent,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Gronen, A.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Screening for microorganisms for the synthesis of acetic acid and lactic acid out of wheat straw hydrolysate at low pH,
In: Tagungsband, S. 104;
ProcessNet-Symposium: Industrielle Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe – Chemie, Biotechnologie, Verfahrenstechnik,
20.-21. Januar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Gronen, A.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Identification of qualified microorganisms for the usage of wheat straw hydrolysate for the synthesis of acetic acid and lactic acid,
In: Book of abstracts, S. 84;
RRB6: 6th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries,7.-9. Juni 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
Guenther, M.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Selective synthesis and tailoring of glycolipid biosufactants,
In: Tagungsband, S. 79;
ProcessNet-Symposium: Industrielle Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe – Chemie, Biotechnologie, Verfahrenstechnik,
20.-21. Januar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Guenther, M.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Production and optimization of cellobiose lipids and mannosylerythritol lipids,
In: Book of abstracts, S. 132;
RRB6: 6th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, 7.-9. Juni 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
Haller, B.; Trick, I.; Trösch, W.; Hirth, T.
Flächenhafte Verteilung von aufbereitetem Abwasser: Eignungsbewertung mittels multikriterieller Entscheidungsanalyse,
22. AGIT Symposium: Symposium für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 7.-9. Juli 2010, Salzburg, Austria
Haller, B.; Trick, I.; Trösch, W.; Hirth, T.
Spatial decision support for water reuse on a regional scale contributing to a sustainable water and wastewater management,
IWRM: Integrated Water Resources Management 2010,
24.-25. November 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Haupt, M.; Jung, S.; Weiss, V.; Rullich, M.; Koehler, C.; Frauenheim, T.; Barz, J.
Plasma functionalization of multi-scale structured surfaces to control the formation of ice crystals,
PSE 2010: Twelfth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2010, 13.-17. September 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Haupt, M.; Kindle-Hasse, B.; Barz, J.; Oehr, C.; Beß, M.; Knes, R.; Hilgers, H.; Siefert, W.
Plasma functionalization of foiles and technical textiles with specific tunable wetting behavior,
PSE 2010: Twelfth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, 13.-17. September 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Heymer, A.; Maierle, J.; Kluger, P.; Walles, H.
Impact of plasma-functionalized substrates on the behaviour of musculoskeletal cells,
In: BIOmaterialien 11 (S1), S. 41;
Biomaterials 2010: 12th International and Interdisciplinary NRW Symposium, 16.-18. März 2010, Essen, Germany
Hiller, E.; Dörflinger, M.; Stevens, R.; Marcet-Houben, M.; Gabaldon, T.; Schwarzmüller, T.; Kuchler, K.; Rupp, S.
Comprehensive gene deletion study to identify cell wall organisation and structure in Candida glabrata,
The Joint Annual Seminar on the Projects of the 1st and 2nd calls of the ERA-NET PathoGenoMics,
18.-19. Januar 2010, Teneriffa, Spain
Hiller, E.; Dörflinger, M.; Stevens, R.; Marcet-Houben, M.; Gabaldon, T.; Schwarzmüller, T.; Kuchler, K.; Rupp, S.
Comprehensive gene deletion study to identify cell wall organisation and structure in Candida glabrata,
IFO-SFI: Interdisciplinary Forum on Superficial Fungal Infections, 11.-13. Oktober 2010, Jena, Germany
Hinderer, S.; Novosel, E.; Hansmann, J.; Kluger, P.; Walles, H.
Angiogenetic structures in a 3-dimensional dynamic cultivation system,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Hoch, E.; Engelhardt, S.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Kluger, P.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.; Borchers, K.
Evaluation of gelatin-based cell substrates and 3D microstructuring by multiphoton polymerization,
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials ESB2010,
11.-15. September 2010, Tampere, Finnland
Hoch, E.; Engelhardt, S.; Schuh, C. A.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Kluger, P. J.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G. E. M.; Borchers, K.
Photocrosslinking and 3D microstructuring of gelatin for the generation of substrates for artificial cartilage,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien,
18.-20. November 2010, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
Huf, S.; Wagner, W.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Production of a,w-dicarboxylic acids via biotransformation of fatty acids by the use of Candida tropicalis,
In: Tagungsband, S. 106;
ProcessNet-Symposium: Industrielle Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe – Chemie, Biotechnologie, Verfahrenstechnik,
20.-21. Januar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Huf, S.; Wagner, W.; Hirth, T.; Zibek, S.; Rupp, S.
Identification of yeast strains for the synthesis of a,w-dicarboxylic acids,
In: Book of Abstracts, S. 186;
ISBP 2010: International Symposium on Biopolymers,
3.-7. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Keller, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Kleymann, G.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Lemuth, K.; Hiller, E.; Rupp, S.
Identification of novel antifungal compounds using a HTS activity-selectivity assay,
In: Abstractband, S. 85;
3. gemeinsame Jahrestagung von DGHM und VAAM,
28.-31. März 2010, Hannover, Germany
Keller, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Kleymann, G.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Lemuth, K.; Hiller, E.; Rupp, S.
Identification of novel antifungal compounds using a HTS activity-selectivity assay,
EMBO Conference Series: Chemical Biology 2010,
22.-25. September 2010, Heidelberg, Germany
Kleinhans, C.; Kluger, P.; Müller, M.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.
Einfluss plasmafunktionalisierter Biomaterialien auf das Adhäsions- und Proliferationsverhalten mesenchymaler Stammzellen,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien,
18.-20. November 2010, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
Kleinhans, C.; Kluger, P.; Wuster, S.; Müller, M.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.
Impact of new functionalized biomaterials on the adhesion and proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Krügener, S.; Hirth, T.; Zibek, S.; Rupp, S.
Expression of codon optimized Bacillus cereus Phospholipase C in Kluyveromyces lactis,
In: Book of Abstracts, S. 55;
Biotrends 2010: New biotrends in green chemistry,
1.-2. Dezember 2010, Dortmund, Germany
Lemuth, K.; Mai, M.; Keller, P.; Zelt, G.; Knabbe, C.; Weile, J.; Rupp, S.
High-level azole-resistance in a clinical Candida albicans isolate,
10th ASM Conference on Candida and Candidiasis,
22.-26. März 2010, Miami, Florida, USA
Ludwig, D.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Biotechnological process development for teh production of C5 and C6 sugars as bio-based building blocks from lignocellulose,
In: Tagungsband, S. 74; ProcessNet-Symposium: Industrielle Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe – Chemie, Biotechnologie, Verfahrenstechnik, 20.-21. Januar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Ludwig, D.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Wheat straw – making a natural carbon source accessible for industry,
In: Book of abstracts, S. 131;
RRB6: 6th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, 7.-9. Juni 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
Ludwig, D.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Wheat straw – making a natural carbon source accessible for industry,
In: Proceedings, S. 285; European workshop on lignocellulosics and pulp, 16.-19. August 2010, Hamburg, Germany
Ludwig, D.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
Wheat straw – a potential substrate for lignocellulose biorefineries,
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010 und 28. Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen,
21.-23. September 2010, Aachen, Germany
Mai, M. K.; Gfell, M.; Hartmann, S. C.; lemuth, K.; Hauser, N. C.; Rupp, S.
Application of on-chip minisequencing for the identification of resistance-associated mutations,
12th Status Seminar Chip Technologies, Sequencing and Functional Genomics, 4.-5. Februar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Moß, K.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S.
New chitinolytic organisms for the degradation of chitin to N-acetylglucosamine,
In: Book of abstracts, S. 109;
RRB6: 6th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, 7.-9. Juni 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
Niedergall, K.; Kuhnt, A.; Tovar, G. E. M.; Hirth, T.
Moleculary imprinted nanospheres by minimemulsion polymerization for the recognition of endocrine disrupting compounds,
MIP 2010: The 6th International Conference on Molecular Imprinting, 9.-12. August 2010, New Orleans, USA
Niedergall, K.; Kuhnt, A.; Tovar, G. E. M.; Hirth, T.
Moleculary imprinted nanospheres by minimemulsion polymerization for the recognition of endocrine disrupting compounds,
Nano4water cluster workshop: Nanotechnology Meets Water Treatment, 26. Oktober 2010, Aachen, Germany
Novosel, E. C.; Klechowitz, N.; Meyer, W.; Wegener, M.; Krüger, H.; Borchers, K.; Tovar, G.; Kluger, P.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.
Covalent heparin immobilization on new developed 3D-printable biomaterials,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Novosel, E. C.; Klechowitz, N.; Meyer, W.; Wegener, M.; Krüger, H.; Borchers, K.; Tovar, G.; Kluger, P.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.
Charakterisierung des Zellverhaltens primärer humaner Endothelzellenauf neu entwickelten 3D-verdruckbaren Biopolymeren,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien,
18.-20. November 2010, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
Novosel, E. C.; Meyer, W.; Wegener, M.; Krüger, H.; Borchers, K.; Tovar, G.; Kluger, P.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.
Evaluation of primary endothelial cells cultured on newly developed 3D-printable polymer surfaces,
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials ESB2010,
11.-15. September 2010, Tampere, Finland
Novosel, E. C.; Meyer, W.; Wegener, M.; Krüger, H.; Borchers, K.; Tovar, G.; Kluger, P.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.
Characterization of endothelial cell-biomaterial interaction on newly developed 3D-printable polymer surfaces for vascular grafts,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine - BioStar 2010,13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Olsson, G. D.; Karlsson, B. C. G.; Niedergall, K.; Kuhnt, A.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.; Nicholls, I. A.
Molecular dynamics simulations of a miniemulsion MIP prepolymerization system: novel insights into the basis for polymer-template/ligand interaction,
MIP 2010: The 6th International Conference on Molecular Imprinting, 9.-12. August 2010, New Orleans, USA
Olsson, G. D.; Karlsson, B. C. G.; Niedergall, K.; Kuhnt, A.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.; Nicholls, I. A.
Molecular dynamics simulations of a miniemulsion MIP prepolymerization system: novel insights into the basis for polymer-template/ligand interaction,
Nano4water cluster workshop: Nanotechnology Meets Water Treatment, 26. Oktober 2010, Aachen, Germany
Pudlas, M.; Koch, S.; Bolwien, C.; Walles, H.; Schenke-Layland, K.
Raman spectroscopy – a non-invasive technology for the characterization of human skin cells,
5th Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques FLIM 2010,
14.-16. Juni 2010, Saarbrücken, Germany
Pudlas, M.; Schrobback, K.; Rintoul, L.; Hutmacher, D.; Hirth, T.; Walles, H.; Klein, T.
Zonal characteristics of articular cartilage and chondrocytes by Raman microspectroscopy,
Australian health and medical research congress (AHMRC),
14.-18. November 2010, Melbourne, Australia
Purschke, F.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Rupp, S.; Trick, I.; Hirth, T.
Communication in biofilms between different species: Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
In: Abstractband, S. 63;
3. gemeinsame Jahrestagung von DGHM und VAAM,
28.-31. März 2010, Hannover, Germany
Purschke, F.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Trick, I.; Rupp, S.; Hirth, T.
Development of fluorescent reporter strains to analyse biofilms,
Biofilms IV, Biofilms4 International Conference,
1.-3. September 2010, Winchester, UK
Roelofs, K. S.; Hänel, C.; Walitza, E.; Hirth, T.; Schiestel, T.
Generating power utilizing PRO-membranes with a hierarchical structure,
13. Aachener Membran Kolloquium, 27.-28. Oktober 2010, Aachen, Germany
Roelofs, K. S.; Samdani, S.; Bochert, C.; Hirth, T.; Schiestel, T.
Hydrophobic membranes for biofuel processing,
13. Aachener Membran Kolloquium, 27.-28. Oktober 2010, Aachen, Germany
Schreiber, T.; Riegler, J.; Gruber-Traub, C.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.
Geprägte Polymernanopartikel zur molekularen Wiedererkennung von Wirkstoffen,
Makromolekulares Kolloquium, 25.-27. Februar 2010, Freiburg, Germany
Schuh, C.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Schönhaar, V.; Dettling, M.; Kaufmann, M.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G. E. M.
PEG-based hydrogels as matrix for synthetic tissue: swelling and behavior during degradation,
3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress,
30. August - 2. September 2010, Nürnberg, Germany
Seibert, A.; Kimyonsen, D.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Hirth, T.; Trösch, W.
Process development for the production of omega-3-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as dietary supplement from microalgae,
8th European Workshop Biotechnology of Microalgae,
7.-10. Juni 2010 Nuthetal, Germany
Seibert, A.; Kimyonsen, D.; Unkelbach, G.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Hirth, T.; Trösch, W.
Enzymatic production of EPA-ethylesters from microalgae with supercritical fluids,
28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen,
21.-23. September 2010, Aachen, Germany
Seibert, A.; Mathias, J.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Hirth, T.; Trösch, W.
Process development for the production of omega-3-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as dietary supplement from microalgae,
ProcessNet-Symposium: Industrielle Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe – Chemie, Biotechnologie, Verfahrenstechnik,
20.-21. Januar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Seibert, A.; Unkelbach, G.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Hirth, T.; Trösch, W.
Enzymatic production of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ethyl esters from microalgae with supercritical fluids,
Green Solvents for Synthesis Conference,
10.-13. Oktober 2010, Berchtesgaden, Germany
Southan, A.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Schuh, C.; Dettling, M.; Schönhaar, V.; Schumacher, A.; Thude, S.; Kaufmann, M.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G. E. M.
PEG based polymers for the development of synthetic tissue matrices,
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials ESB2010,
11.-15. September 2010, Tampere, Finland
Southan, A.; Schuh, C.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Dettling, M.; Schönhaar, V.; Schumacher, A.; Thude, S.; Kaufmann, M.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G. E. M.
Synthetic tissue matrices formed by PEG-based polymers under physiological conditions,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien,
18.-20. November 2010, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
Tordy, D. M.
In vitro culture of native jejunal segments for use as 3D intestinal testing system,
4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine – BioStar 2010, 13.-15. Oktober 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Tovar, G.
Design and production of biofunctional surfaces based on hierarchically structured nanomaterials and printing processes,
In: Abstract-Guide, Session: Bio Material Interfaces, PP11.20,
2010 MRS Fall Meeting, 29. November - 3. Dezember 2010, Boston, USA
Weber, C. G.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Müller, M.; Trick, I.; Hirth, T.
Immobilization of N-acylhomoserine lactone lactonase AiiA and its influence on Escherichia coli biofilm formation,
Biofilms4 International Conference, 1.-3. September 2010, Winchester, UK
Weishaupt, S. U.; Martinez, R.; Hoheisel, J. D.; Thorns, C.; Merz, H.; Lemuth, K.; Rupp, S.; Hauser, N. C.
Improved sub-classification of aggressive b-cell lymphoma by integrated genomic profiling based on a universal array platform,
12th Status Seminar Chip Technologies, Sequencing and Functional Genomics, 4.-5. Februar 2010, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Wojciukiewicz, D.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.
Synthetic nanoscaled receptors for specific recognition of peptides,
Workshop Engineering of Functional Interfaces,
15.-16. Juli 2010, Marburg, Germany
Wojciukiewicz, D.; Riegler, J.; Hirth, T.; Tovar, G.
Nanoscaled molecularly imprinted polymers (NanoMIPs) for specific recognition of amino acids via inverse miniemulsion polymerisation,
10th European Symposium on Polymer blends,
7.-10. März 2010, Dresden, Germany
Zavrel, M.
Cell wall structure of Candida albicans is dependent on Efg1,
IFO-SFI: Interdisciplinary Forum on Superficial Fungal Infections, 11.-13. Oktober 2010, Jena, Germany