Publikationen 2007

Fachzeitschriften, Vorträge, Poster

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften

Haupt, M., Barz, J., Oehr, C. (2007)
Creation and recombination of free radicals in fluorocarbon plasma polymers: An electron spin resonance study
Plasma Processes and Polymers 4: 1-11

Hiller, E., Heine, S., Brunner, H., Rupp, S. (2007)
Candida albicans Sun41p, a putative glycosidase, is involved in morphogenesis,
cell wall biogenesis, and biofilm formation
Eukaryotic Cell Vol. 6, No. 11: 2056-2065

Linke, K., Schanz, J., Hansmann, J., Walles, T., Brunner, H., Mertsching, H. (2007)
Engineering liver-like tissue on a capillarized matrix for applied research
Tissue Engineering: 1-9

Müller, M., Oehr, C., Storr, M. (2007)
Plasmaoberflächenbehandlung von Hohlfasermembranen für die Blutwäsche
Galvanotechnik 98/10: 2516-2520

Vohrer, U., Zschörper, N. (2007)
Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren – Phönix aus der Asche?
Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 19: 22-30

Vohrer, U., Zschörper, N., Katzenmaier, V. (2007)
Carbon Nanotubes – Material of the 21st century?
NanoS 3: 9-13

Vohrer, U., Zschörper, N., Köhne, Y., Langowski, S., Oehr, C., (2007)
Plasma modification of carbon nanotubes and bucky papers
Plasma Processes and Polymers 4: 871-877

Walles, T., Schanz, J., Weimer, M., Linke, K., Hofmann, M., Mertsching, H. (2007)
The potential of bioartifical tissues in oncology research and treatment
Oncology 2007, 388-394

Beiträge in Büchern

Mertsching, H., Hansmann, J., Schanz, J., Linke, K., Brenner, M., Michaelis, J., Walles, T.
Vaskularisierte Trägersysteme für in vitro Testsysteme
In: D. Beckmann, M. Meister, 13. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt. Heiligenstadt, Institut für Bioprozess- und Analysentechnik 2007, Seiten 47-55, ISBN 10:3-00-018621-2

Schrell, A., Bauser, H., Brunner, H.
Biotechnology patenting policy in the european union – as exemplified by the development in Germany
Adv. Biochem. Engin./Biotechnol. 107: Seiten 13-39,
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-71321-0

Walles, T., Mertsching, H.
Strategies for scaffold vascularization in tissue engineering
In: P.J. Pannone., Trends in Biomaterials Research, ISBN 1-60021-361-8


Borchers, K.
Core-shell nanoparticles as support and activator in formulation of protein drugs, Formula V-5th Conference on Formulation Technology, 19.-22. November 2007, Potsdam

Brunner, H.
Nano-(Bio-)Technologie – Potenzial für Industrie und Umwelt,
Freiburger Forum Nachhaltigkeit, 23.-24. März 2007, Flims-Waldhaus, Schweiz

Bryde, S., Borchers, K., Herold, M., Schiestel, T., Tovar, G. E. M., Scheurich, P.
Core-shell nanoparticles as support and activator in formulation of protein drugs,
Formula V-5th Conference on Formulation Technology, 19.-22. November 2007, Potsdam

Burger-Kentischer, A., Müller, M., Trick, I., Oehr, C.
Plasma sterilization of thermo-labile materials,
16th Int. Colloquium on Plasma Processes, 4.-8. Juni 2007, Toulouse, France

Hampel, M., Mertsching, H.
In vitro Testsysteme zur Bewertung der Toxizität von Nanopartikeln,
OTTI Fachforum Carbon Nanotubes, 19. September 2007, Regensburg

Heinz, B., Trick, I.
Verlässliche Messwerte bei der Kläranlagenbeprobung,
12. Kolloquium zur kommunalen Abwasser- und Abfallbehandlung »Technologie mit Zukunft«, 22. März 2007, Stuttgart

Heinz, B.
Monitoramento de águas residuárias: Uma vista práctica da influência do clima,
1. Seminário International de Biotecnología, 17. Oktober 2007, Piracicaba, Brazil

Herold, M., Gruber-Traub, C., Dettling, M., Herz, M., Tovar, G. E. M., Brunner, H.
Molekular geprägte Polymerpartikel zur Peptiderkennung,
Stuttgarter Kunststoff Kolloquium SKK, 15. März 2007, Stuttgart

Herold, M., Tovar, G. E. M., Brunner, H.
Aktivester-Surfmere in Emulsionspolymerisationen – Neue Verbindungen für funktionalisierte Nanopartikel, Stuttgarter Kunststoff Kolloquium SKK, 15. März 2007, Stuttgart

Herold, M., Niedergall, K., Dettling, M., Wang, Y., Tovar, G. E. M.
Molecular imprinted polymers for selective protein adsorption by miniemulsion polymerization,
Affinity 2007, 9.-13. Juli 2007, New York, USA

Herz, M., Dettling, M., Herold, M., Gruber-Traub, C., Weber, A., Brunner, H., Tovar, G- E. M.
Highly cross-linked molecular imprinted nanoparticles for selective protein recognition -Vernetzte Polymere,
11th Dresdner Polymer Discussion: »Polymer Network Structures: Recent Developments, Perspectives and Applications«,16.-19. September 2007, Meißen

Hiller, E., Nordheim, A., Brunner, H., Rupp, S.
Identification of covalently-linked proteins in the cell wall of Candida albicans: A comparative approach,
FEBS Advanced Lecture Course: »Human Fungal Pathogens«, 11.-17. Mai 2007,
La Colle-sur-Loupe, Nice, France

Hiller, E., Nordheim, A., Brunner, H., Rupp, S.
Identification of covalently-linked proteins in the cell wall of Candida albicans: A comparative approach,
Statusworkshop der DGHM-Fachgruppe Eukaryontische Krankheitserreger,
23.-24. Februar 2007, Stuttgart

Mai, M., Rupp, S., Hauser, N.
Biochip-based resistance monitoring in pathogenic fungi for clinical diagnostics,
59. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM) e.V., 30. September - 4. Oktober 2007    , Göttingen

Mertsching, H., Schanz, J., Linke, K., Hansmann, J., Michaelis, J., Hampel, M., Brunner, H., Walles. T.
Engineering of vascularized tissues: state of the art,
3rd World Congress on Regenerative Medicine, 18.-20. Oktober 2007, Leipzig

Mohr, M.
Pilotierung einer anaeroben Abwasserreinigung in Knittlingen,
12. Kolloquium zur kommunalen Abwasser- und Abfallbehandlung »Technologie mit Zukunft«, 22. März 2007, Stuttgart

Mohr, M.
DEUS 21: Semi-dezentrales urbanes Wasser- und Abwassermanagement,
Fachtagung »Innovation in der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft«,
20. September 2007, Rockenhausen

Mohr, M.
DEUS 21: Semi-dezentrales Wasser- und Abwassermanagement,
Internationale Technische Messe, Workshop »Abwasser – Konzeptionen und Technologielösungen«, 24. September 2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Oehr, C., Barz, J., Elkin, B., Haupt, M., Müller, M.
Plasma Technology – a tool for creating new functionalities on a nanoscale for biomedical application,
EuroNanoForum 2007, 19.-21. Juni 2007, Congress Center Düsseldorf

Oehr, O., Haupt, M., Elkin, B.
An electron paramagnetic resonance study of the creation and recombination of free radicals in plasma polymers,
18th Int. Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 26.-31. August 2007, Kyoto, Japan

Tovar, G. E. M.
Biomimetic Surfaces: Concept, design and applications in biotechnology and biomedicine,
»Germany – Connect with Europe´s Nanotech Giant«
NANOTECH, 22. Februar 2007, Tokyo, Japan

Tovar, G. E. M.
Biomimetic Nanoparticles: Concept, design and applications in biotechnology and biomedicine, School of Pure & Applied Natural Sciences, 13. Juni 2007,
Kalmar, Sweden

Tovar , G. E. M.
Biomimetische Nanopartikel – Konzepte, Architekturen und Anwendungen in Biotechnologie bis Biomedizin ,
Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, 18. Juni 2007, Duisburg/Essen

Tovar, G. E. M.
NANOCYTES®-technology biomimetic nanoparticles for life sciences and industrial applications ,
EuroNanoForum 2007 "Nanotechnology in Life Science and Medicine", 19. Juni 2007, Düsseldorf

Weber, A., Borchers, K., Brunner, H., Tovar, G. E. M.
Functional core-shell nanoparticles for biochemical sensors,
MRS Spring Meeting, 12 April 2007, San Francisco, USA

Zavrel, M.
Host-pathogen interaction of Candida albicans using human epithelial models,
MidTerm Meeting CanTrain project, 28. März - 1. April 2007, Bratislava, Slovakia

Zavrel, M.
Molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions and virulence,
2nd FEBS Advanced Lecture Course "Human Fungal Pathogens", 11.-17. Mai 2007, Nice, France

Zavrel, M.
Host-pathogen interaction of Candida albicans using human epithelial models,
FunNetMeeting, 12.-16. September 2007, Gosau, Austria

Zschörper, N., Vohrer, U., Oehr, C., Brunner, H.
Plasmabehandlung von Carbon Nanotube Pulver and Bucky Paper,
13. Fachtagung Plasmatechnologie, 6.-7. März 2007, Bochum


Borchers, K., Herold, M., Weber, A., Tovar G. E. M.
Biomimetic surfaces - nanoscopic systems for molecular recognition    ,
Biosurf VII - Functional Interfaces for Directing Biological Response, 29.-31. August 2007, Zürich,  Switzerland

Fritz, C., Moß, K., Rupp, S.
Development of new enzymes and organisms for biotransformation of renewable feedstocks, FNR Symposium , 28.-29. März 2007, Oldenburg

Fritz, C., Moß, K., Rupp, S.
Chitin as raw-material fort the synthesis of fine chemicals,
FNR Symposium, 28.-29. März 2007, Oldenburg

Fritz, C., Moß, K., Rupp, S.
Chitin as raw-material fort the synthesis of fine chemicals,
Sustainable Neighbourhood – from Lisbon to Leipzig through Research (L2L),
4th BMBF Forum for Sustainability, 8.-10. Mai 2007, Leipzig

Fritz, C., Moß, K., Rupp, S.
Development of new enzymes and organisms for biotransformation of renewable feedstocks, Sustainable Neighbourhood – from Lisbon to Leipzig through Research (L2L),
4th BMBF Forum for Sustainability, 8.-10. Mai 2007, Leipzig

Fritz, C., Moß, K., Rupp, S.
Development of new enzymes and organisms for biotransformation of renewable feedstocks, European BioPerspectives, 30. Mai - 1. Juni 2007, Köln

Fritz, C., Moß, K., Rupp, S.
Chitin as raw-material fort the synthesis of fine chemicals
European BioPerspectives, 30. Mai – 1. Juni 2007, Köln

Hampel, M., Hansmann, J., Mertsching, H.
In vitro three-dimensional trachea model,
EuroNanoForum 2007, 19.-21. Juni 2007, Düsseldorf

Hampel, M., Hansmann, J., Mertsching, H.
An in vitro three-dimensional tubular trachea model,
14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, 28.-30. September, Linz, Austria
Hampel, M., Hansmann, J., Mertsching, H.
An in vitro three-dimensional tubular model,
Eurotox Conress 2007, 7.-10. Oktober 2007, Amsterdam

Hampel, M., Hansmann, J., Mertsching, H.
Development of a thee-dimensional trachea model,
3rd World Congress on Regenerative Medizin,
18.-20. Oktober 2007, Leipzig

Hartmann, S., Mai, M., Schöck, U., Borchers, K., Weber, A., Tovar, G. E. M., Rupp, S., Hauser, N.
Development of a nanoparticle-biochip for rapid and sensitive sepsis diagnostics, DECHEMA Technologieforum Diagnostik, 11.-12. Dezember 2007, Frankfurt am Main

Haupt, M., Baier, M.
Surface functionalization by ultrathin polymer coatings from partial coverate to closed films, 13. Fachtagung Plasmatechnologie, 6.-7. März 2007, Bochum

Hauser, N. C., Schmitt, C., Brunner, H., Fellenberg, K., Rupp, S.
Integration of transcriptome and proteome data of human pathogens using a data warehouse and attempts to describe complex infection processes,
Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering FOSBE, 9.-12. September 2007, Stuttgart

Hauser, N. C., Hartmann, S., Mai, M., Borchers, K., Weber, A., Tovar, G. E. M., Schöck, U., Regenbogen, J., Rupp, S.
Entwicklung einer Nanopartikel-Biochip basierten Diagnostik zum schnellen Nachweis von Sepsis, 3. BMBF-Symposium Nanobiotechnologie, 9.-10. Oktober 2007, Hannover

Heinz, B., Sternad, W., Braun, I., Trick, I.
GIS-based site planning for semi-decentralized water and wastewater management, 3. Deutsch-Brasilianisches Symposium zur Nachaltigen Entwicklung, 23.-27. Juli 2007, Freiburg

Heinz, B., Sternad, W., Braun, I., Trick, I.
GIS-based site planning for semi-decentralized water and wastewater management, 1. Seminário International de Biotecnología, 17. Oktober 2007, Piracicaba, Brazil

Herold, M., Dettling, M., Herz, M., Niedergall, K., Gose, T., Brunner, H., Tovar, G. E. M.
Molekular geprägte Nanopartikel zur Aufreinigung von Proteinen,
Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: »Aufarbeitung biotechnologischer Produkte«, 2007, 13.-16. Mai 2007, Osnabrück

Herold, M., Herz, M., Dettling, M., Gruber-Traub, C., Weber, A., Brunner, H., Tovar, G. E. M.
Highly cross-linked molecular imprinted nanoparticles for selective protein recognition,
11th Dresden Polymer Discussion: »Polymer Network Structures: Recent Developments, Perspectives and Applications«, 16.-19. September 2007, Meißen

Kilgus, M., Zipperle, M., Wang, H., Werth, S., Caro, J., Schiestel, T.,
Selektive Sauerstoffabtrennung mit keramischen Kapillarmembranen,
Symposium Hochleistungskeramik, 20.-21. März 2007, Dresden

Kilgus, M., Zipperle, M., Wang, H., Werth, S., Caro, J., Schiestel, T.
Dense perovskite capillary membranes,
10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, 18.-21. Juni 2007, Berlin

Lindemann, E., Berg, M., Rupp, S., Sohn, K.
Phenotypic characterization and regulation of morphogenesis in Candida dubliniensis,
FEBS Advanced Lecture Course: »Human Fungal Pathogens«, 11.-17. Mai 2007, La Colle sur Loup, France

Lindemann, E., Rohde, B., Regenbogen, J., Rupp, S., Sohn, K.
A universal approach for the analysis of differential gene expression in fungal pathogens, FEBS Advanced Lecture Course: »Human Fungal Pathogens«, 11.-17. Mai 2007, La Colle sur Loup, France

Linke, K., Schanz, J., Mertsching, H.
Vascularized liver cell module: a possible 3D test system for the evaluation of the toxycity of nanocytes in tissues?,
EuroNanoForum 2007, 16.-21. Juni 2007, Düsseldorf

Linke, K., Schanz, J., Mertsching, H.
Development of a vascularized liver cell module , 3rd World Congress on Regenerative Medicine, 18.-20. Oktober 2007, Leipzig

Michaelis, J.,  Hansmann, J., Seibert, A., Mertsching, H., Brunner, H.
Development of a physiological three-dimensional test system,
EuroNanoForum, 19.-21. Juni 2007, Düsseldorf

Michaelis, J., Hansmann, J., Seibert, A., Mertsching, H., Brunner, H.
Development of a physiological three-dimensional test sytsem,
14. Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, 28.-30. September 2007, Linz, Austria

Michaelis, J.,  Hansmann, J., Seibert, A., Mertsching, H., Brunner, H.
Development of a physiological three-dimensional test system,
Eurotox 2007, 7.-10. Oktober 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mohr, M.
Semi(de)centralized urban water management – realization in development area in Knittlingen    , 3. Deutsch-Brasilianisches Symposium zur Nachhaltigen Entwicklung,
 23.-27. Juli 2007, Freiburg

Mohr, M.
Innovative water supply and wastewater treatment technologies – a practical approach to IWRM in central northern Namibia,
8th WaterNet WARFSA GWP-SA Symposium "IWRM – from Concept to Practice",
31. Oktober - 2. November 2007, Lusaka, Sambia

Niedergall, K., Dettling, M., Herold, M., Wang, Y., Gruber-Traub, C., Brunner, H., Tovar, G. E. M.
Nanoparticles by direct and inverse miniemulsion polymerization,
Deutsche Kolloidgesellschaft, 8.-10. Oktober 2007, Mainz

Roehm, M., Lindemann, E., Kallnischkies, M., Trkulja, D., Urban, C. F., Rupp, S., Sohn, K.
Characterization of a PRY-Family in Candida albicans,
Human Fungal Pathogens, 11.-17. Mai 2007, La Colle sur Loup, France

Roelofs, K., Kothale, N., Schiestel, T.
Influence of the inorganic phase on composite membrane properties for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell,
11. Aachener Membran Kolloquium, 28.-29. März 2007, Aachen

Schanz, J., Linke, K., Mertsching, H.
Vascularized liver test system: a possible model for the screening of potential cytostatic drugs in tumor therapy,
Falk Symposium: Morphogenesis and Cancerogenesis of the Liver,
25.-26. Januar 2007, Göttingen

Schanz, J., Linke, K., Mertsching, H.
A vascularized liver cell module as an alternative to animal experiments,
14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, 28.-30. September 2007, Linz, Austria

Schanz, J., Linke, K., Mertsching, H.
Vascularized liver cell module: A possible 3D test system for the evaluation of substance toxicity in vitro?,
Eurotox 2007, 7.-10. Oktober 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Schmidt, M. C., Müller, M., Oehr, C., Brunner, H.
Improved anti-adhesive properties of packaging systems via plasma surface treatment, NanoEurope 2007, 11.-13. September 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Schmitt, C., Moghaddassi Gholami, A., Schmitt, C., Visvanathan, M, Hauser, N. C., Rupp, S., Hoheisel, J., Fellenberg, K.
M-CHiPS: Universal platform for microarray data interpretation, German Conference on Bioinformatics, 26.-28. September 2007, Potsdam

Schweizer, P., Borchers, K., Wojciukiewicz, D., Rieser, D., Weimer, M., Tovar, G. E. M.
Adhesion, proliferation and differentation of primary keratinocytes on chemically functionalize nano- and microstructured surface,
Biosurf VII – Functional Interfaces for Directing Biological Response,18.-20. Oktober 2007, Zürich

Schweizer, P., Borchers, K., Wojciukiewicz, D., Riester, D., Weimer, M., Tovar, G. E. M.
Adhesion, proliferation and differentation of primary keratinocytes on chemically functionalized nano- and microstructured surface,
3rd World Congress on Regerative Medizin, 18.-20. Oktober 2007, Leipzig

Vohrer, U., Zschörper, N., Katzenmaier, V., Barz, J., Oehr, C.
Analytical assessment and functionalization of carbon nanotubes and bucky papers, EuroNanoForum 2007, Nanotechnology in Industrial Applications, 19.-21. Juni 2007, Düsseldorf

Weber, A., Borchers, K., Genov, S., Brunner, H., Tovar, G. E. M.
Biomimetic surfaces – nanoscopic systems featuring molecular recognition, 3. BMBF-Symposium Nanobiotechnologie, 9.-10 Oktober 2007, Hannover

Xiong, X.
Reversible self-aggregation of Type I procollagen in 8 M Urea, Gordon Research Conferences (GRC): Collagen, 22.-27. Juli 2007, New London, New Hampshire, USA

Zavrel, M.
Molecular mechanisms of Host-pathogen interactions and virulence, 2nd FEBS Advanced Lecture Course Human Fungal Pathogens, 11.-17. Mai 2007, Nice, France

Zavrel, M.
Host-Pathogen-Interaction of Candida albicans using human epithelial models, FunNet Meeting, 12.-16. September 2007, Gosau, Austria

Zschörper, N,. Vohrer, U., Haupt, M., Oehr, C., Brunner, H.
Assessment of the nature and stability of the plasma-functionalization of carbon nanotube sheets, NanoEurope 2007, 11.-13. September 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland

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